OPPO launched the OPPO A53 last August. The handset debuted with ColorOS 7.2 based on Android 10. Either months after the device’s announcement, OPPO started recruiting ColorOS 11 (Android 11) beta testers in April. Two months from that, the company has finally begun to roll out the stable update.
Earlier this month, OPPO revealed the ColorOS 11 update plan for June 2021. According to the schedule, the OPPO A53 was supposed to get the Android 11 stable update on June 17. But it got delayed for some unknown reasons.
Anyway, the firm has started rolling out the update yesterday (June 22). As of now, It is only available in India and Indonesia.
For both regions, the system update arrives with firmware version C.12. In order to receive it, users should be running software version A.77 (India) / A.81 (Indonesia).
In order to download the Android 11-based ColorOS 11 update for OPPO A53, users need to navigate to Settings > Software Updates > Gear Icon > Official Version Application, tap on the I Agree checkbox, and select Apply now. Once done, they will have to check for a new version, download, and install.
That said, ColorOS 11 is the first major update for the OPPO A53. Usually, OPPO provides two major ColorOS updates for most of its smartphones. Hence, this phone could also receive Android 12 in the future.